

listen to:  Dine On The Processs

Tubers are:
Rich Diem * Singing and Guitar
Jeff McNally * Bass and Singing
Jacob Hamilton * Drums and Singing


„tuber theory/action articulated in three to five parts“

I. Grow it/eat it!

Tubers being rooted vegetables,whether potato, ginger, turmeric, carrot, beet or any of such ilk. Important across historical/pre-historical and national and cultural boundaries. Sustenance,whether gathered in the wild or grown.
II. Float it!
Tubers being those groups or individuals who are wont to float down rivers in inflatable innertubes,whether in murky water or clear, quick-moving or slow. Crucial Florida pasttime whereupon all who participate enjoy leisure/pleasure to its utmost. Not merely time spent away from work/school, but floating for floating’s sake.
III. Surf it!
Tubers being those who strive for and ride in the tube, that is the innermost part of a breaking water-wave when crest folds over to trough and makes for a hollow, tunnel-like space and surfer artfully and skillfully finds him/herself in said space. Whether getting barrelled, pitted, pulling in, getting tubed, the action represents the pinnacle of the surfing experience,once again regardless of time or place in history. Once again to be enjoyed as such direct experience that surfers have been denoted as enlightened human beings.
IV. Get Radical!
A sort of reiteration of the root as applied to social and political landscapes,where getting radical is not just doing what is most extreme but rather getting to the root of certain problems, turning things over from the ground up.
V. Brown it!
Tubers being three individuals and best buddies from Florida,c onventionally known as Jacob Hamilton, Rich Diem, and Jeff McNally, who do their best to create music that first of all moves them and then attempts to move other people, both physically and mentally, taking all aforementioned tubers definitions into consideration and expelling them in songs with guitars and drums, being the classic rock and roll configuration most suited for their purpose.

misc: please may check out lovely Bakery Outlet Records *